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It’s time to put chronic illness behind you.

Join us to embark on an educational exploration of complex chronic illness and embrace a new path to health.

Cracking the Chronic Illness Code: Ticks, Toxins & Mold is online and FREE from May 6 - May 12, 2024.

When you register today, you’ll gain INSTANT access to the following free gifts:

In a world where chronic illness persists as a pervasive challenge, its complexity often eludes conventional medical approaches. The intricate web of contributing factors goes beyond the specialized lens of traditional practitioners, leaving patients frustrated, sick and seeking answers.

Have you consulted multiple specialists who don’t know what is wrong and don’t have any answers?

Are your lab results normal … yet symptoms persist?

The truth is that chronic illness is a very personal issue – and often a lonely path. The solution that helps one person may do little to help someone else.

This fact is frustrating and is what keeps us searching for better ways to help you find YOUR solutions.

Discover how to unravel complex chronic illness through integrative medicine combined with a continuous exploration of innovative and rediscovered treatments, guided by your hosts, Dr. Nafysa Parpia and Dr. Eric Gordon.

Drawing from over 50 years of combined clinical expertise in treating difficult-to-diagnose illnesses, they will present the crucial factors underlying chronic illness, including root cause combinations and what they call "The BIG 3" – ticks, toxins, and mold – along with key factors like cervical instability, cell danger response, trauma, energetics and more. Throughout the discussions, they will share tools and strategies to help those wrestling with the unique characteristics of their illness.

At Cracking the Chronic Illness Code: Ticks, Toxins & Mold, our experts will explore:

  • Advancements in tick-borne disease management
  • Impact of environmental factors on gut & brain health
  • Importance of nervous system support for healing
  • Hormone health & environmental influences
  • Neurological impact of pathogens & toxins
  • The connection between inflammation, cell danger response & healing
  • The latest science on the long COVID load on chronic illness
  • State-of-the-art therapies to support healing & longevity

This online symposium will cover diverse topics to guide you toward putting chronic illness behind you. Join us for insights that go beyond specialty medicine and conventional treatments.

Event Experts

Free Bonus Gifts

Register for Cracking the Chronic Illness Code: Ticks, Toxins & Mold to Receive the following FREE gifts!

Isaac Eliaz

Isaac Eliaz, MDThe Survival Paradox in Healing

In this video, learn:
  • What is the survival paradox, and how does it impact your health?
  • Why detox alone is a losing proposition
  • Reducing the impact of inflammation triggers 
Lyn Patrick

Lyn Patrick, NDBarriers to Effective Detox

In this video, learn:
  • Review of the “National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals”
  • Complications of daily exposure to toxicants 
  • Why detox can make you worse instead of better
Alex Howard

Alex HowardThe Nervous System's Impact on the Healing Journey

In this video, learn:
  • Recurring triggers that drive nervous system dysregulation
  • Why we normalize being imbalanced
  • 5 steps to reset your nervous system
  • How to Use Peptide Therapy for Complex Chronic Illness eGuide
    From Gordon Medical Associates

    How to Use Peptide Therapy for Complex Chronic Illness eGuide

    Learn more

    Peptides are such a new form of therapy that many patients have questions about them. What are peptides? What are they used for? How do you ensure you’re getting them from a trusted source?

    Different peptides affect different cells and physical functions, so they can be highly tailored and targeted to treat a wide variety of conditions. In this comprehensive eGuide, you will learn how peptides can be used synergistically to increase the effectiveness of different therapies – and even other peptides. You will also learn about specific peptides and their therapeutic potential for improving immune modulation, cognitive function, sleep, libido and more.

  • The Pre-Tox Protocol eBook
    From Gordon Medical Associates

    The Pre-Tox Protocol eBook

    Learn more

    The problem with quick cleanses and detox diets is that most of them will make you feel worse before you start feeling better. Say goodbye to the discomfort associated with complex “detox” regimens. This Pre-Tox Protocol is designed to address your entire biological terrain and help clear your natural detoxification pathways, preparing your body for a successful cleanse without the usual symptoms and frustrations. Discover a gentler approach that begins at the cellular level!

  • Cell Danger Response eBook
    From Gordon Medical Associates

    Cell Danger Response eBook

    Learn more

    There is a rising tide of chronic illness, and the current medical model has a major blind spot that hinders complete healing, leaving sufferers with lingering symptoms and debilitating illness. If you are suffering from a chronic medical condition that affects your ability to function in your daily life, your body could be stuck in the cell danger response. Learn what happens in the 3-phase healing cycle of the cell danger response, gain insight into the vital role your mitochondria play in the recovery process, and discover the path to true recovery!

  • When Tick-Borne Illness Becomes Chronic eBook
    From Gordon Medical Associates

    When Tick-Borne Illness Becomes Chronic eBook

    Learn more

    By the time many of Dr. Gordon and Dr. Parpia’s patients step through the doors of their clinic, they’ve tried everything, and they’re in pain and discomfort. Gain a deeper insight into tick-borne illnesses, the challenges with traditional treatment options, their connection to mast cell activation syndrome, and how you can begin healing today.

  • What Your Doctor Might Be Missing Webinar + eTranscript
    From Gordon Medical Associates

    What Your Doctor Might Be Missing Webinar + eTranscript

    Learn more

    "Chronic illness is all about the individual patient – there is nothing ‘cookie-cutter’ about it.” In this one-hour webinar and accompanying transcript, Drs. Eric Gordon and Nafysa Parpia discuss what needs to be explored, diagnosed, and treated in order to help patients return to health in our current health landscape. Highlights include preferred tests and labs, why you shouldn’t settle for a “wastebasket diagnosis,” when (and when not to) detox, underlying imbalances that could be impacting your immune system, and more!

  • A $25.00 value!Enhance Your Energy: 11 Simple Ways to Generate Sustained Energy Without Crashing eReport
    From Jason Prall

    Enhance Your Energy: 11 Simple Ways to Generate Sustained Energy Without Crashing eReport

    Learn more

    Discover how to sustainably increase your energy without crashing. You won’t find gimmicks and hacks that steal energy from tomorrow to get you through today. These strategies are proven to help you feel more grounded, balanced and alive to help you meet the stressful demands of your day.

Register Now and join Cracking the Chronic Illness Code: Ticks, Toxins & Mold for FREE!

This event is hosted by

Nafysa Parpia

Nafysa Parpia, ND

Dr. Nafysa Parpia is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and the director of naturopathic medicine at Gordon Medical.


Throughout her career in holistic medicine, she has focused on treating patients with complex chronic illnesses. She specializes in tick-borne illness/Lyme disease, environmentally acquired illness, mold/mycotoxin illness, autoimmunity, fibromyalgia, long haul COVID, ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome).


Dr. Parpia’s extensive knowledge has helped people worldwide overcome difficult-to-treat medical conditions. She uses cutting-edge laboratory tests and deep intuition applied to the full range of scientific data to create comprehensive treatment plans that are highly personalized.


Dr. Parpia’s targeted system of care includes a synergistic blend of allopathic and functional medicine diagnoses paired with treatment that includes regenerative medicine, micronutrient therapies, peptide therapies, bioidentical hormone therapy, botanical medicine, pharmaceuticals and psychoemotional support.


Dr. Parpia is on the ISEAI Board of Directors (International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness).

Eric Gordon

Eric Gordon, MD

Dr. Eric D. Gordon, president of Gordon Medical Research Center, is the clinical director of Gordon Medical Associates, specializing in complex chronic illness. In addition to clinical practice (40+ years), Dr. Gordon is engaged in clinical research. He has focused on bringing together leading international medical researchers and cutting-edge clinicians focusing on ME/CFS, Lyme disease, autoimmune diseases and autism. He combined forces with Dr. Robert Naviaux and his research into metabolomics, mitochondrial function and chronic inflammatory disease; together, they co-authored a groundbreaking study, “Metabolic Features of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS). Gordon Medical Associates is also a collection site for the Lyme Disease Biobank, providing patient samples to researchers worldwide.